[SING OUT ASIA: Japan Visit 2012] Day 1, “Walking & Train, First Adventure in Amazing Tokyo”

       April 29th might be the time when I took pictures the most in all my life. After a long trip to Japan yesterday night, finally we went sightseeing Tokyo! This day was started with difficulties to wake up early as usual. Maybe it was seven or eight in the morning? I only remember that Tres joking about not being able to taking bath yesterday because the public bath already closed at the time we arrived. Well, as Indonesian, we used to taking bath at least twice a day (this doesn’t apply to Bila though ==a). But I guess I can understand story about Japanese usually took a bath only at night except Summer. It was very cold that day and I don’t even want to touch any water very first in the morning.

            Following Yuki, we all dressed nicely as we come out our room, but I was a little bit shocked when I found out that the rest of the member was still in their pajamas (or maybe casual? Not sure how to call it in English). I found out that the plan was to go out from Yoyogi at ten or eleven (again, I don’t really remember TT TT). We’re supposed to eat breakfast first , then go back to our room to get ready, then depart from Yoyogi to Harajuku station to meet up with one of Japanese member, Shoma

Momiji! I saw this one on the way to the restaurant. Very beautiful.

            So~ my first breakfast was a “washoku”, which mean Japanese meal set. We ate it at the restaurant inside Yoyogi Youth Centre area.  The meal include a rice, miso soup (my favorite!), nori, sweet egg, vegetables, and fish (er, I forgot but maybe it was Gindara fish?). Oh, there was natto too but I don't really like the taste. So, yeah ==a While everyone were talking and eating, I still have difficulties at joining in the conversation. There was time when I randomly ask about the difference between Ocha and Oolong tea to Yuuki and Shuuhei. They don’t know how to explain it for me so I can  understand easily, so I owe them a sorry. I realize it was a super random question ==a

Bila and Yuki (above), Me and Tres (Bottom) 

My first meal in Japan!

            So breakfast ended and everyone supposed to go back to their room. But us Indonesian members together with Yuki doesn’t have anything to prepare anymore (not to mention that Indonesian members were in high spirit), so we decided to spend our time at Meiji-jingu—imperial museum of Meiji emperor. We went there by walking. In the middle of walking, I mistook a tree with pink flower as Sakura tree. Bila and Tres doesn’t waste that chance to make fun of me ==a
 Before heading to Meiji-jingu. This is inside the Yoyogi Youth Centre Area

 At the horse stable

In front of the entrance to Meiji-jingu

            Oh, we also found a horse stable in the middle of Tokyo! Even Yuki doesn’t know that there is a horse stable there. We can’t ride the horse and can’t give them food too because it was not the time to feed them yet. So we just leave after taking photos.

            Long story short, we arrived at Meiji-jingu and took a couple of photos. I saw my first kouban (post police) at the entrance and wanted to took a picture with the security guard (I love the uniform), but too afraid to ask him, so no photo in the end TT TT The Meiji-Jingu area itself reminded me of Bedugul back in my hometown, Bali. It had wide parks and green grass which almost looks like infinite. At that time, a lot of people had picnic together with their family, and some other people do voluntarily work of cleaning the area. It was Sunday and the whole area filled with family warmness. It was a good feeling. 

            After seeing the museum, we went out and try our first jidouhanbaiki (vending machine). Indonesia had vending machines too, but Japan’s is a bit different so I was very excited to try it. We almost singing and dancing ENJUKU’s jidouhanbaiki song in front of it, but considering there were a lot of people there, we just leave after getting our drinks. On our way back, we saw an archery building. We’re not allowed to go in so it was a pity. We peeked through the window before leaving. I thought Japanese archery is cool and my opinion is just getting stronger after seeing the real deal through the window glass. Ah, if only I can get in TT TT

            We almost late but somehow made it in time to Yoyogi. Tres have a bit stomach problem though, so we have to wait some more before going to Shinjuku station. We went there by walking (again). I don't hate walking. Walking together is a perfect opportunity to muster up my courage and start a conversation, but I was so caught up with the sight of  Karasu (crow) in the middle of the road. I ended up as the one who rarely said a word, again. Why am I like this? *cry*

 Oooh, can you see the crow over there? There. See the black dot behind the white fence. There--er, ==a

            Despite my lack of talking, I was still so amazed by the fact that I was in Japan at that time. I saw kanji everywhere, I heard Japanese language everywhere, and the most important thing; everyone there is a Japanese! *cry happy tears* I finally grab the fact that I WAS really in Japan. No words can explain how happy I was at that time.

            After Shinjuku station, we met up with Shoma at Harajuku station. Another awkwardness (maybe it was only me) time. I even afraid of hand-shaking with Shoma, thinking that I might do something wrong. Of course, it was a foolish thought ==a

           We separated with Yuka at this station because she had to prepare for homestay two days later. Before that, I saw something very interesting at Harajuku station. I’ve heard that people won’t care so much about your choice of fashion in Japan, but I was really shocked when I saw a woman—maybe around 30-40 based on her appearance—going around wearing a super cute Lolita dress. It was an ultra super rare sight for me. I was too late for taking out my camera because of the shockness.

             I was still in a great shock, but we must move on to Asakusa. I was wearing three layers of clothes, thinking it will be cold after my experience at the airport, but I was COMPLETELY wrong. Asakusa was blazing hot. The heat goes straight to my head. I felt my brain was being boiled; not to mention there were a lot of people in Asakusa that day. By saying a lot, I mean really A LOT. We got separated in the middle of crowd. I’m glad I was still with Bila, Tres, and Yuki. I can’t imagine how it would be if I get lost alone—no cellphones, broken Japanese skills, so yeah ==a We tried some kind of icy soda before searching for the others. It feels great considering the heat we suffered that day.

ASAKUSA! A lot of people and very hot weather. We can see Sky Tower clearly from here.

 Took photo together with (from left to right); Yuki, Tres, Gug, Bila, Foam, and me

We finally reunite after Yuki tried to contact the others by telephone. After that, we went to buy our first lunch in Japan! We pick a restaurant which had a view of Sky Tower—based on the magazine I read back in the plane to Japan, this tower is taller than Tokyo tower and might be Tokyo’s new symbol. I don’t know whether it’s really true or not, but Sky Tower was really astounding.

Back to lunch, I ordered tori-niku udon (thick noodles with boiled chicken). As usual, I always like the udon soup because somehow it tastes really refreshing. After lunch, there’s no exact plan of where will we go next. So, when Yuuki asked me where do we want to go, I voted for Akihabara. I misspelled it at first, saying ‘Akibahara’ rather than ‘Akihabara’. Shuuhei tried to correct my mistakes, but I don’t even realized it until he mentioned that Japanese usually said ‘Akiba’ for short, but the true name is ‘Akihabara’—with ‘ha’ before ‘ba’ instead of ‘ba’ before ‘ha’. So we decided to go to Akihabara after lunch. We separate our ways for two (or three?) hours of free time. Indonesian members went with Yuki, Yuuki, and Youko (Yuuki’s friend). Thai members went with Shuuhei and Shoma. 

Lunch at Asakusa!

Akihabara was a paradise for me. I can see anime billboard everywhere. A lot of place also sell anime/manga/game merchandise. I also saw some cosplayer on the street, and that's where I suffered my second culture shock. I saw an ojisan (a man which is already old enough to be someone's uncle) wearing school uniform for girls. You know, blazer with short skirts and stuff? I don't have anything against him, but surely I was a bit freaked out.

There's a lot of shop I want to see at Akihabara, but Yuki said some of them are a bit suspicious looking. So I decided to follow Youko suggestion to see a makeup shop. At first, I was searching for stage makeup, but it seems that they don’t sell stage makeup at Akihabara. Someone suggest to go to a place where AKB48 first debuted. We went there and found there’s also ドン。キホーテ (not sure how to write it in romaji, but basically you can read it as ‘donki hote’) inside the building, so we use the chance to see a lot of kind of cheap snacks in there. Bila bought some as souvenirs. I wanted to buy some too, since I saw they sell a big pack of Snickers just for 300-something yen. I’m almost tempted to buy it if I don’t remember that I need to save to survive the rest of the week in Japan TT TT

Unfortunately, the place where AKB48 held their mini-stages was closed at that time. When we were heading toward the exit of the building, I notice something very interesting at the game center. I already saw that they have Hatsune Miku Project Diva in there, but I just saw that they also have PERSONA 4 ULTIMATE ARENA!! I almost chocked myself to death when I saw Narukami Yuu face in that arcade! I even went as far as asking Yuki to go back with me, so just I can take a picture with the arcade machine. I wanted to play it, but considering that the others are waiting for me, and also ‘God-level’ player was there, I decided to not play it. Now I think about it, it such a pity…

 Akihabara! My paradise!

 They sell this at donki hote. I was tempted to buy one because of Ayanami, but on second though, it'll be a waste since I don't really need the actual goods ==a

Me and Persona 4: Ultimate Arena!

We bought ice-cream back at the donki hote. We ate the ice cream before took a stroll to a ‘Gacha’ centre. Gacha is kind of game (or it might be more right if I called it a machine) where all you have to do is insert some coins and turn the switch to win some dolls/keychains/stuff like that. My first gacha was Fairy-tail gacha. Fairy-tail is the title of a manga which is quite popular in Indonesia right now. My younger sister like it so I thought it will be a good souvenir for her. I won the Charuru one. This might be a good sight, since Charuru is a white cat while I just got Shiro (white cat) for my role in ENJUKU’s main performance this year, kekeke =v=

After trying Gacha, we checked the bookstore but again, I didn’t buy anything. We all met up again and went to Shibuya. There, we played bowling. It was my, Bila, and Tres first experience in bowling. Tres is really good playing it despite that was her first time. She got a couple strikes, but in the end, the ultimate winner was Shuuhei. It was really fun. Shoma was able to took some funny photos during the game, including Benz’s cool pose when he throws the ball.

Us, in the middle of bowling game

We went to an Izakaya (Japanese bar) after the game. Everyone looks very tired after the massive amount of walking and changing trains. I don’t know about the Thai members, but Indonesian members aren’t used with taking train as our main transport. Well, except Bila because the easiest transport to go to Indonesia University is by train. But for me, I was never consider using train in Indonesia, because it’s more on the uncomfortable side rather than public bus. And as far as I know, Tres also using bus or her own motor bike to go to the campus.

 Shibuya~! Can you see Shibuya 109 there?

Lonely dog I saw near the station.

At the Izakaya, every foods feels like fall straight from the heaven. I don’t know if it because I already tired and every food feel twice more delicious than the usual. I tastes onigiri (rice ball) with umeboshi for the first time. Umeboshi tastes bitter at first, but somehow it suits my taste =v= I ended up ate two of it, If I remember correctly.

 Japanese members in the middle of deciding which Izakaya we will enter

Pictures I took at the Izakaya. Delicious onigiri and umeboshi! 

At the end of the day, we went back to Yoyogi. We rode a train and get off at Sangubashi station (which later will be the place which I missed the most). We visit the kombini (convenience store) and bought something for our breakfast tomorrow. Done with the kombini, we went back to the Youth Centre.

 Pictures I took at the station, kekeke. The top one is Shoma, followed with Gug and Benz, Shuuhei and Foam. The last photo is Yuuki, random person, and Yuki.

 Inside the train. Japan train is way more comfortable than what we have in Indonesia.

On our way from Sangubashi station to the Youth Centre.

There, I tried the sentou (public bath) inside the centre. It was only opened from 5PM to 11PM—that’s explained why we weren’t able to take a bath yesterday night. The sentou was… err, it was a bit embarrassing at first, because you have to be completely nude to enter the bathroom while there are other people you don’t know inside. Yuki said that foreigner usually doesn’t like sentou or onsen because of that fact. Well, I don’t really like the idea of going commando in front of people I don’t know at first. But as soon as I tried it, I fall in love with the ofuro at once. That day was very tiring, and I can barely feel my legs. But when I dip in the hot water, the sensation was really awesome. Ofuro is really good when you’re very tired. It might be embarrassing at first, but once you tried, you would never regret it! I LOVE ofuro! ^^ Too bad I can't take pictures inside. Well, you know, because it is a public bath and people is..., yeah, you know what I mean ==a

 Me, Bila, and Tres after we got back from the public bath. Bila fell asleep with camera on her hand.

 This is totally random, but this is the view of my part of room in our room at the Yoyogi Youth Centre^^

It was an awesome and also very tiring day. Bila even fell asleep in the middle of checking her digital camera. The next day, we will go to Lake Kawaguchi, at the foot of mountain Fuji. We will go together with our mischievous beloved senpai, Jennifer. It was a day which I really looking forward to. 

That night, I slept like a log. I don't remember if I had any dream or not during that sleep, but I sure remember that when I woke up, I immediately know that once again, I woke up in Japan. And it sure was the greatest feeling I had in this past 4 years...

(Continued to Day 2: This is Reality, Journey to Lake Kawaguchi)

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