[FanFic][ENG] First Love ~Prologue~ (Moon Jongup x OC)

Hello all~
So far, I posted reviews, my opinion about characters/pairings, fanfic, and meaningless post. It's not like I want to add another kind to that list,  I want to keep this blog like the way it is, so...

Today is fanfic day!
Maybe I haven't told anyone that my current obsession is a certain idol group from North Korea--yeah, Korean Wave had hit me too ==a It's a rookie group, and I might do a review about them in the future, but I don't know yet because I fully know that my expertise is reviewing characters/storyline. But well, since it's a fanfic day, of course I'll post a fanfic, and this fic is about them.

Oh, hey! I haven't told you about the group name yet!
This is just their bunnies icon, kekeke. 
From left to right: Bang Yongguk, Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup, & Zelo (Choi Junhong)

This is my third experience in writing fiction with English. English is not my native language, and I know very clearly that grammar is my biggest weakness so I should apologize if you find any grammar mistakes. I would be more than happy if anyone who read this willing to pinpoint where did I make mistake, telling me the reason why it's a mistake, and how to fix it so I can get better for the next.

And of course, just like any other fanfic writer, I'm looking forward to a review from the reader.
So, shall we start? =v=

~B.A.P fanfiction by karasuhibari~
Disclaimer: B.A.P as themselves (based on their TV personalities)
Rate 15+ (mild language (swearing, etc) and alcohol) from chapter 1 onwards.

~Maybe, I’ve Fallen in Love with You~

Since the first time I notice the different between boys and girls—men and women, I always thought going steady or anything along those line are something which just naturally happen. It’s as simple as seeing someone you like more often than anyone else. I never knew there’s more than that in a relationship. Something called love—a feeling which no one can really define what it is, or how’d you know that you’re in love.
Is falling in love including a weird feeling in your stomach? Do you feel a little bit dizzy and having hallucination such as flowers bloom around the person you falling in love with? Is it the kind of feeling where you can be extremely happy just by staring at the back of the person you love?
If the symptoms I mentioned above are all correct, does that mean this person who standing right beside me is the one I love? This person, who is much younger, and with stupid smile plastered in his face all day, am I falling in love with him?
“Noona, let’s go. It’s already green,”
Did my heart just skip a beat just by hearing that person’s voice?
“Noona? Are you alright?”
That person is looking at me. His gaze is as pure as it always be—the kind that you can only find inside the eyes of someone who always seeing the positive side of things. His hand touches my left side; gently shake it to make sure I’m not sick or something. I can feel some kind of weird reaction in the place where his hand touches my arm—something like electricity feeling.
That is the point when my feeling finally takes over my rationality.
He just looking at me; confused because as far as I remember, that’s the first time I called him by his name and not using any weird nickname.
“Maybe,” I continue, “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Aaannndddd.... that's it for the prologue. I'd continue if I know someone actually read this, haha, since this is also my first time writing a multichapter fic after a long time.

Anyway, see you around in the next post, whether it's a fanfic or not~! =v=


  1. Did you continue writing this? I really want to read it, it sounds soooo good :D

  2. please, continue to write it!! Its good!!


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