Short Text Message

Hmm, I don't know is it just me or there's someone who actually feels the same way about Short Text Message (SMS) these days...

Well, to make everything more clearly, tonight I'll write about the use of this SMS based on my own experience. You know, in my country, one of the popular way to communicate using your cellphone is via short text message. Unlike in some other countries, not that much people in my country relied on email, because even most of my friend still have the wrong idea about email. It's kinda funny, because when I asked them about, "Do you have an email?," they would say no. They only have facebook account. Of course it sounds strange, because how can you make a facebook account if you don't even have an email?

Okay, back to the SMS thing.
Early today, I've got a text from someone. Well, let's say this person is just an acquaintance, which mean we're not very close yet. That person want to ask something via the text, but first thing I notice from the text is the excessive use of the exclamation mark, and also lack of greetings. Plus, the question that person asked shouldn't be asked because I already explained it very clearly last week! I just assumed that person isn't really paid attention to what I explained. Bravo.

I might sound like a very strict and grumpy person for complaining about this. But I've been scolded because of this--the use of greetings in text message, punctuation, etc. And I know, short text message is supposed to be sort but that doesn't mean someone doesn't have to think thoroughly when they want to text someone whom they not very close with. I grew up in an eastern country, of course, naturally, stuff like simple greetings matters for me.

But one thing which really pissed me--maybe it's not only have something to do with sms, but also for social interaction in general--is the fact that the person asked a question which doesn't need to be asked anymore. Why? Because anything regarding the matter he/she wanted to ask are already clear. I've explained everything in orderly way and even confirmed the dates with everyone who wants to sign up. That's a clear evidence that someone doesn't paid attention, and just asked as if I don't explain it in the first hand.

It's also become a lesson for me though. When you don't pay any attention and just ask the person who explain it the thing which is already obvious, you can insult that person--very badly. So, next time, always pay attention to what other people said!

That's it for today. Lesson learned!
Just like a saying: "Alway learn by seeing another person's mistakes."

Ah... I really want to write about B.A.P next time. But maybe, I should wait a little more.
Until next post! =v=

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